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Order supplements through my Fullscript store.
I have also partnered with a friend and a colleague of mine, Dr. Dusten Nelson and Recovering Bro (IG: @recoveringbro) to offer specialized supplements and products. The first two supplements are proprietary and awesome! They cannot be found anywhere else.
Although you can order anything you’d like, I recommend that you limit your purchases to products that we have discussed as part of your overall supplementation plan. Just get in touch with me if you’d like my opinion on how these will fit into your overall wellness plan.

I recommend that you order ProKinetics® products only if we have had a specific conversation about them with you.

Further, they have a few products, but this is the gold standard: ProKinetics® Ultra Thin 3.5 mm without Arch Support

If you need help cutting them to your size, either let me help you or really measure carefully. Measure twice, cut once!

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