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Meditation – some thoughts

people meditating


Dr. Brent Garcia, DACM, L.Ac., LMT  •  October 16, 2017  •  Last Updated: March 11, 2024


So much has been written about mediation. So much has been studied. So many high-performing individuals practice it.

I don’t know if there’s anything new I’m going to say about it.

All I can do is give you my experience with practicing meditation. Maybe share some insights? Maybe share some tools that I’ve used.

A Practice

I think the most important word in the phrase meditation practice is not meditation.

It’s actually practice.

This isn’t some revelation – it’s a recognition by me that I am not going to be perfect at it.

I never will be. And that is okay.

The practice is to do the practice.


Sometimes I sit on the couch. Sometimes I sit in a chair. Sometimes I sit on a meditation cushion. Sometimes I drink tea while I’m meditating.

I do my best to have my thoughts be there and not judge them.

But sometimes I do.

Sometimes I listen to headphones. Sometimes I don’t.

I tried the Headspace app. It was fine. Wasn’t for me.

A friend shared the Insight Timer meditation app. I have enjoyed tracking my sessions, but hardly I ever go back and review what I did. Sharing with friends how many hours I meditate per month, or where I’m located, or what I’m doing now, is not of interest for me.

Periodically, I will use a guided meditation from Tara Brach’s website. She has plenty of sessions available, and graciously allows people to listen for free.

Sometimes I practice the Silva Method.

Sometimes I just sit there.

I don’t do the same thing every session.

How long?

I used to shoot for 15 minutes, first thing in the morning. I do my best.

Sometimes, though, it is one minute. That’s okay.

Bottom Line

It is all okay. 10 seconds of meditation is good enough.



Use a topical analgesic often

Dr. Brent Garcia, DACM, L.Ac., LMT  •  March 8, 2024


For joint or muscle pain, a pain relief ointment or liniment should be applied to the affected area 2-4 times per day. This is an excellent way to relieve symptoms with very few side effects.

More importantly, topicals signal your brain to bring healing to the area. They remind the body to keep working to heal itself. That’s why you should continue using topicals even after the pain subsides until the area is back to 100% function and mobility.

There are solid over-the-counter topicals available – any of them can help.

The best: Evil Bone Water

That being said, I strongly recommend one particular product: “Evil Bone Water” by Saint Apothecary (

This liniment is based on a classic Chinese herbal formula used to heal fractures and broken bones. It is made with the finest quality herbs in an Everclear base, and it is manufactured in the USA.

Don’t let the name scare you

The actual name of this formula is Zheng Xie Gu Shui. The closer translation is “Rectify [or Heal] Evil Bone Water”…”evil” meaning damaged or broken, not evil per se.

Goes without saying, but I will say it anyway: this is to heal “evil” bones and tissue in the body.

Why it is the best

I love Evil Bone Water because it can be used for anything that is painful and needs to heal: muscle, tendon, ligament, skin, or bone.

It treats all sports injuries, strains, sprains, bruises, and spinal pain. You can even apply it on cuts and insect bites.

Evil Bone Water is currently sold only by licensed acupuncturists and at VA hospitals.

Ask me about it at your next treatment. And remember, this is for external use only.

Not all fish oil is the same


Dr. Brent Garcia, DACM, L.Ac., LMT  •  December 18, 2023  •  Last updated: March 2, 2024


Why is fish oil so important?

Research shows that fish oils support balanced lipids and are heart healthy. Orthomega 820® from Ortho Molecular Products is a fish oil without the fishy taste or “fish” burp, guaranteed by the company.

Are all fish oils the same?

Orthomega 820® fish oil is in a natural form, making it over 70% more absorbable than most fish oils on the market. It also contains the fatty acid DPA, which acts as a fish oil reserve in your body and increases the great effects of fish oil.

Ready to buy?

You can either click on the photo, or if you have more questions, feel free to email or call me.


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