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Acupuncture for smoking cessation

cigarette butts

Ten years ago this month, I quit smoking.

It was February 11, 2008 to be exact. I had been a pack-a-day smoker for close to 15 years. Of course, I smoked the “good for you” cigarettes — American Spirit Lights or “Yellows” as I used to call them at the 7-Eleven counter. But regardless of what I told myself about how relatively healthy they were, a pack’s worth of smoke was still going into my lungs every day.

Unexpectedly, acupuncture was what helped me quit.

Earlier that winter, on a freezing cold day with about a foot of snow on the ground, I was standing outside smoking. It was so cold that my fingers began to hurt, and I had to keep switching which hand held the cigarette and which got the benefit of a glove.

Fed up with the cold, I remember saying aloud, “This is stupid!” and tossing the half-smoked cigarette in the gutter. When I looked up, I saw a sign in a the window of a clinic across the street: “Acupuncture for Smoking Cessation.”

I took that as divine providence and immediately walked across the street. Standing at the receptionist’s desk inside the clinic, I pointed at the sign in the window and blurted out, “I want that.”

Seven acupuncture treatments later, I had stopped smoking for good. I felt better almost immediately, and soon after it dawned on me how cost effective my experience had also been. After 44 days of not buying cigarettes, I had broken even. The savings from not smoking had reached the cost of the acupuncture sessions. On that 45th day, I remember thinking, “I’m now saving anywhere from $6 to $9 a day.” And that was at 2008 prices.

Equally important, this experience put the power of acupuncture on my radar. The treatments that got me to quit smoking were the first acupuncture I had ever received, my first exposure to the art of Chinese medicine, and from there I came to discover many other benefits it could provide. Ten years later, here I am — grateful every day for my decision and for the opportunity to help others improve their health with acupuncture.

If you’d like to discuss the benefit of using acupuncture to quit smoking and you are, like I was, unable to quit on your own, please reach out. From both the patient’s point of view and the practitioner’s, I know exactly what it takes for people to quit smoking with acupuncture and Traditional Asian Medicine.

I have been where you are, and I’m here to help.

Why I started taking cold showers

shower head with water

I have been taking cold showers since the Fall of 2015.

All-the-way cold. No matter the season. No starting with warm, and easing into cold.

I take showers that start and stop cold.

It started become some of my friends and colleagues started to take them, and tell me about their experience.

Why do them?

I wanted to start the day off with a win. I wanted to have something in front of me that, at the very least, had my mind go, “Are you sure you want to do this?” and even if the answer was, “Hell no!”, I would do it anyway. I wanted to have the satisfaction of overcoming the obstacle. Quiet the mind a bit.

Also, there is some good evidence out there to suggest that cold showers help increase immunity and decrease fat.

Regardless, I just taking them, mentally and physically.

No, not every shower is cold – after I train or an infrared sauna, I will typically take a warm shower.
But that first shower of the morning, each and every morning?

As cold as the faucet will go.

I even started taking 10 minute long cold showers periodically. I set a timer, and stand there, until the timer goes off, and then I go 30 or 60 seconds more, just to make sure I was under the cold water for 10 FULL minutes.

I love focusing on my breathing. I love accepting what the cold water gives me, teaches me. I crave the challenge, and I love the win.

Give it a try.

Why I love green tea, and the one reason you don’t

cup of green tea


Dr. Brent Garcia, DACM, L.Ac., LMT  •  September 18, 2017  •  Last updated: March 16, 2024


I bet that you don’t like green tea.

Here’s why you don’t like it: You think green tea is too bitter.

You might not know what that means, or you might not agree, but I bet you dollars to donuts that you want to add lemon, or honey, or sugar, or something to green tea because you can’t stand the taste.

It’s the taste you don’t like.

I know why: you are over brewing it.

Brewing green tea

Green tea should be brewed for 30-45 seconds. No more.

Even tea companies mess this up – the vast majority of them say you should brew the tea 2-3 minutes. That is way too long.

Steep your green tea for 30 seconds, then take the bag out and put it on a plate for later.

Now drink it – and enjoy the taste and the benefits.

You can use a tea bag for a few more brewings throughout the day, which reduces the amount of caffeine, while still providing the good stuff.



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